实干立 共举荣 [信昌机器官网]
為地球的未來 熄燈一小時
Please take a photograph and write a short story on what you did during this one hour and email to mabel.tsang.meipo@simedarby.com.hk by 13 April. We will hightlight the interesting photos and stories in our In Touch bulletin.

為鼓勵更多同事參與,請大家拍下照片連同短篇故事,寫出你如何響應以上活動,我們將選出有趣 的相片張貼於連訊。
Please support Earth Hour 2012, the annual ‘Lights Out’ event, on Saturday 31 March at 8:30 pm.
Join millions of people around the world to turn off your lights for an hour and go beyond the
hour-by setting your energy saving targets.
